Interfaculty Centre for Educational Research (ICER)

Transversal Competencies Assessment in Secondary Schools (TraCiSS)

An International Comparison of Teachers’ Attitudes and Teaching Practices

The TraCiSS research project results from a collaboration between researchers from the University of Bern and the St. Gallen University of Teacher Education to address common research questions on assessing transversal competencies in secondary schools. By pooling resources and sharing knowledge and experience, we aim to increase the efficiency of our research and expand its geographical scope by conducting an international survey.

Objectives of the TraCiSS study

The main aim of the TraCiSS study is to compare teachers' teaching practices concerning the assessment of transversal skills in different countries. We focus on the following questions:

  • Future-oriented meaning: How do teachers in the countries surveyed assess the significance of specific transversal competencies for the future life of their students in society?   
  • Current teaching practice: Which transversal competencies are currently promoted and assessed by teachers in the classroom in the countries surveyed?   
  • Needs analysis: What needs do teachers in the countries surveyed have concerning the promotion and assessment of transversal skills?  
  • International comparison: What country-specific differences and similarities can be recognized concerning future requirements, current teaching practices, and the needs of teachers? What profiles can be identified? 


To answer these questions, we conduct a comprehensive online survey of secondary school teachers (ISCED 2) in Switzerland, Ukraine, and the network of international partner schools of the Goethe-Institute’s Exchange program 'SCHULWÄRTS!'. The data obtained will be compiled in a scientific publication, a link to which will be available on this website.  

Terminology of the research

The study focuses on the school-based assessment of transversal competencies identified in all fields of activity and subject areas. In the countries where teachers are surveyed as part of the TraCiSS study, different terms are used for these competencies in official educational documents (überfachliche Kompetenzen, cross-cutting skills, transversal competencies). As partners in the TraCiSS project, we have therefore agreed to use the internationally recognized term "transversal competencies" in our study following the ESCO-Definition (European Skills, Competencies, Qualifications, and Occupations):

learned and proven abilities that are commonly seen as necessary or valuable for effective action in virtually any kind of work, learning, or life activity (are not exclusively related to any particular context).

Term “transversal competencies” will be used in the joint scientific publication. The term used in the teacher survey questionnaire will be appropriate for the sample (country), providing a short common explanation to ensure respondents understand it similarly.



Person responsible at the University of Bern

Dr. Antonina Hryvko

Cooperation partner

St. Gallen University of Teacher Education