ÜGK 2016: Cantonal in-depth analyses and reports

The Verification of the Attainment of Basic Competencies (Überprüfung der Grundkompetenzen, ÜGK) evaluates the basic competencies (BC) of students and complements the education monitoring for the control of the education system at the cantonal and national levels. In 2016, the BC in mathematics were assessed in the 11th grade of HarmoS. The first national report on the 2016 ÜGK showed that the effect of social origin on students’ BC performance varies greatly between cantons. Moreover, in some cantons, children from the lower half of the social origin spectrum were repeatedly shown to be less likely to achieve BC than in other cantons. Against this background, the effects of the composition of the student body and, in particular, the effect of social origin on BC achievement are examined in more detail for individual cantons.

In a first step, on behalf of the cantons of Zurich, Aargau, Fribourg, Glarus, St. Gallen and Thurgau, cantonal analyses will be carried out on selected questions and the results will be presented and discussed. In a second step, the further processing of the results will be discussed individually with the individual cantons (if necessary, presentation of the results in the individual cantons, possible additional analyses or preparation of cantonal reports).


2020 – 2022

Commissioned by

Cantons of Zurich, Aargau, Fribourg, Glarus, St.Gallen and Thurgau

Project team at the University of Bern

Dr Andrea Erzinger
Dr Simon Seiler
Dr Jessica Herzing

Erzinger, A. B., Seiler, S. & Herzing, J. M. E. (2022). Die Überprüfung des Erreichens der Grundkompetenzen in der Schweiz: Porträt des Kantons St.Gallen. Vertiefungsanalysen der Daten der ÜGK-Erhebungen 2016. Bern. Interfaculty Centre for Educational Research (ICER), Universität Bern. https://doi.org/10.48350/170353

Herzing, J. M. E., Seiler, S., Benz, R. & Erzinger, A. B. (2022). Die Überprüfung des Erreichens der Grundkompetenzen in der Schweiz: Porträt des Kantons Zürich. Vertiefungsanalysen der Daten der ÜGK-Erhebung 2016. Bern. Interfaculty Centre for Educational Research (ICER), Universität Bern.https://doi.org/10.48350/170352

Seiler, S., Herzing, J. M. E. & Erzinger, A. B. (2022). Die Überprüfung des Erreichens der Grundkompetenzen in der Schweiz: Porträt des Kantons Thurgau. Vertiefungsanalysen der Daten der ÜGK-Erhebungen 2016. Bern. Interfaculty Centre for Educational Research (ICER), Universität Bern. https://doi.org/10.48350/170354

Konsortium ÜGK (Hrsg.). (2019a). Überprüfung der Grundkompetenzen. Nationaler Bericht der ÜGK 2016: Mathematik 11. Schuljahr. EDK & SRED. https://doi.org/10.18747/PHSG-coll3/id/386